Everyone has someplace, somewhere where the Garden lived, where our word was law, where love was effortless or possible. We were celestial beings in search of our adventure. Where was it? Why, it’s right around the corner.

And then there is the betrayal from us, to us, at us, and we knew pain, rejection and the fear that pain would come again. We must avoid this at all costs, and so we construct an inner cosmology of protection. We must do this or not do this to be safe, even if our projections are misshapen, better to take our way than to try looking into the possibility of open space. Therefore, attack first, just in case. Don’t call an old friend. Too uncomfortable. Shoot someone before they shoot us. Steal their money, before they get yours.  Unfortunately we hear more of these situations that go wrong, that only confirm our scared mind, than we do about the happy situations, where things turn out well, peace reigns.  Our faith is renewed into our Garden of Eden again.  Why must struggle to engage in that process of openness and wholesome well-being?  Our Garden must be within us.