The only journey is the one within–Rainer Maria Rilke

Does this mean I have to go alone?  Step off the cliff all by myself…  Actually it does.  You have to make your own decisions, go it alone and face the consequences good or bad.  You better have your head together on a daily basis to be ready for the tough decisions of life, […]

By |December 12th, 2018|Life's Journey|Comments Off on The only journey is the one within–Rainer Maria Rilke

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Ruffle no one and pay no price

See post on Einstein then come back to me.  More pondering must take place.

By |December 12th, 2018|Life Today|Comments Off on Ruffle no one and pay no price

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The Only Source of Wisdom is Experience–Einstein

This quote is so great, I am speechless for a while.  So, learning from your mistakes is the way?  Must ponder and get back to you.  TSW

Okay, back.  The problem with that is we are mortal, and will run out of lifetime taking endless paths to happiness–learning is good, but draining our energies fruitless […]

By |December 8th, 2018|Life's Journey|Comments Off on The Only Source of Wisdom is Experience–Einstein

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What if everything is Peaches and Cream

Firstly, I don’t believe you.  But secondly this is a great jumping off place.

Where is the Sacred Wound when all is going well, no problems, I’m good.  That is a time to ask the next forward leaning question.  What is missing…Is it time to up my game…Am I overlooking something.

Do I need to move […]

By |December 6th, 2018|Life's Journey|Comments Off on What if everything is Peaches and Cream

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The Danger of not Hearing/Seeing The Sacred Wound

God knocks gently at first.  Did we hear that small voice or did we ignore it.  Were we living with drug dealers and just hanging out.  It’s ok.  It’s cool.  And 2 months later you might be caught up in a sting operation, and the consequences could affect your life permanently.  As a women, […]

By |December 5th, 2018|Life Today|Comments Off on The Danger of not Hearing/Seeing The Sacred Wound

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“Practice love on animals first; they react better and more sensitively.  G. Gurdjieff

By |December 5th, 2018|Life Today|Comments Off on Animals–Veganism

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Money and the Sacred Wound–only an intro

Do we reward ourselves?  Do we punish ourselves?  Or are we paralyzed?  Is it to buy love, or to protect ourselves from no love, or do we not love others, for fear that they will need something from us.  How do we march forward in life with our own private bag of hurts.

First of […]

By |December 4th, 2018|Life's Journey|Comments Off on Money and the Sacred Wound–only an intro

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Negotiate–This is the Key

Negotiation is easy, but you have to have a grown-up across from you.  Babies can’t do it, and dictators can’t do it, and in this world, catch-as-catch-can, you never know what you are getting on the other side of the table–malheureusement.  So know that you have a right to speak your peace, say your […]

By |December 2nd, 2018|Life Today|Comments Off on Negotiate–This is the Key

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Women-in the Patriarchal Age

Wonderful women are joining the male ranks of leaders in this patriarchal world of America.  That statement should arouse everyone in America, but at least I have your attention now.  Yes America is still ruled generally by men, we are catching up, but until we have a woman in the White House and a […]

By |December 2nd, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Women-in the Patriarchal Age

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