Firstly, I don’t believe you.  But secondly this is a great jumping off place.

Where is the Sacred Wound when all is going well, no problems, I’m good.  That is a time to ask the next forward leaning question.  What is missing…Is it time to up my game…Am I overlooking something.

Do I need to move to the next level of living because I am not stretching, or growing.  Is it time to become your own informer.  Can you direct your life in more productive ways because of happiness or satisfaction or gratitude.  Do you have the insight to go the extra mile without God yanking the rug out from under you–giving you a car accident because you were drinking, or your friend tells you off because you were an arse, or your boss…you know the stories.  The man/woman who takes on a new level of commitment in his life because he can sense that it is time to grow.  He can act as his own leader.  Hey, that might be a really mature person.  I am up for that.  I would love to hear any responses from people who decided to volunteer at the animal shelter–maybe because they thought of all the beautiful lost babies locked up in cages waiting for someone to love, or maybe after losing your friend to cancer you want to volunteer to help others struggling with illnesses.  Isn’t this how it is supposed to be.  This is Pre Sacred Wound, getting beyond our own wounds, at the speed of wholeness.