…So across my computer comes a video clip with Jane Fonda speaking of her own journey—

“It’s important for human beings to fail in every aspect of their life, because it’s the only way to learn.  If all you do is succeed it is hard to learn (life’s lessons).  (God) doesn’t come into us through rewards and ceremonies.  (God) comes into us through our scars and wounds.  (These are our sacred wounds.)  Knowledge, wisdom, and growth come into us when we have failed, when we have setbacks.  My greatest epiphanies and growth came at the bottom–of a nervous breakdown, when I was suffering so much that I didn’t think so much suffering was possible.

–Jane Fonda

May I add–Check out The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, and the follow up of the book, Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, published later.  These are 2 good books with which to begin.

If we can think of our ‘cracks, pain, traumas, disappointments’, as gifts, half the journey is done, AND we can begin the joy of truly living, learning what this life is all about, The Forever Journey.  Much love– sisters and brothers on the Path.