God knocks gently at first.  Did we hear that small voice or did we ignore it.  Were we living with drug dealers and just hanging out.  It’s ok.  It’s cool.  And 2 months later you might be caught up in a sting operation, and the consequences could affect your life permanently.  As a women, I was expected to be pretty, thin, and submissive, it cost me $4,000,000 to believe that men would look out for me.  Sadly for me, I cannot trust men.  As my friend Gurdjieff said…A ‘man’ will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his suffering.  I must learn to look before leaping, give up the fairy tale that we are taught, stare down the back end of a pig as Marlon Brando so eloquently stated in”Last Tango in Paris”.  Can we really face reality and smile.  Who can face a starving child in Yemen and smile.  Reality is dangerous and hurts most of our sensitivities, but we must all have the courage to face global warming, cruel people, lies, Unconsciousness.  Not seeing the underbelly of reality is dangerous because we can be confused, misled, hood-winked into blindly following their program.

What was Hitler doing by telling Germans that all of their problems occurred because of certain people who were not like real Germans.  The joke is that Hitler is believed to be half Jewish, and certainly was not a blue-eyed, blond-haired German/Aryan.  But his people were fooled by the fairy tale.  Yes, we will do anything to have the fairy tale you have woven for us.  The myth was more important than the reality of most Germans starving during the war, and other people shipped off to dying camps.  Still the words fed their Unconscious need to be Special.  We are the Superior Race.  We all know the story and ending, but this is a world-class example of the myth overcoming Reality.

Dangerous is the myth that goes unchecked.  “Women are the weaker sex.  Give everything in love.  Obey your husband.  The Government will take care of it.  Die for the Flag.  Dump it in the ocean.  ‘Drinking water’.  She/He won’t remember she’s just a child.  But he’s a doctor?”

We are at another breaking point in this world.  Are we going to wake up from Unconsciousness?  Can we hear our little voice of Enlightenment.  Will we stand up to bullies and injustice from the place of our Voice.  Will each one of us be responsible for our actions.  Am I my brother’s keeper?