God wanders unrecognized in this world. Withersoever ye turn, there is the Presence of Allah. Koran. Though he is hidden in all things (Katha Upanishad) that Soul shines not forth; yet He is seen by subtle seers with superior, subtle intellect. Split the stick and there is Jesus. (Gnostic)

For the essence of life is time, and the essence of time is flux, dissolution, change. The seminal waters of life are the tears in God’s eyes.

The paradox of creation, the manifested forms out of eternity, is the germinal secret of the Father.

Hence–The Sacred Wound.

In every system of philosophy and theology there is an umbilical point, an Achilles point where the possibility of perfect knowledge has been impaired. The hero must pierce himself and his world through that point to shatter his limited existence, his egoic mind. He must take on himself, whomever he thinks he is. The hardest job of all.

“One is harassed night and day by the divine being that is the image of the living self within the locked labyrinth of one’s own disoriented psyche. The ways to the gates have all been lost. There is no exit. One can only cling like Satan, furiously to oneself and be in hell, or else break free and be annihilated at last in God.”
–Joseph Campbell, The Hero With A Thousand Faces.

Midas wanted his money more than God’s desires for him, and after his love of money was fulfilled, he lost the joy of life. His money had cost him the very pleasures of life that God had in store for him. By following his ego he lost his life.

How many pretty woman would give away their beauty when it draws rapists and in humane husbands to them, when all they wanted was a good husband, a nice man, but their husbands were enticed by beauty, sex, or money, or connections. Love for the wrong reasons is hell.