This quote is so great, I am speechless for a while.  So, learning from your mistakes is the way?  Must ponder and get back to you.  TSW

Okay, back.  The problem with that is we are mortal, and will run out of lifetime taking endless paths to happiness–learning is good, but draining our energies fruitless is not.  So I think we must get to wisdom to solve the description of our path in life.  “Look before you leap,”  unlike “The Fool” in the Tarot cards, but trying new things is fun…The endless Uroboros.  Be cautious, be wise, listen to your mother.  Don’t post it on FB.  Don’t put it in writing unless you can stand for the whole world to see it.  I have not said anything unique.  This is the Aristotilian balance.  The struggle between good and evil.  Obey or live free.  It is the daily struggle.

Experience is true.  It happened, our interpretation of it makes it ‘our life’.  I am struggling with this page.  It is hard to tell anyone what to do or to lecture, perhaps this is a Waterloo moment in my struggle.

I have fulfilled all of my hard/difficult desires.  I think the turning point comes from moving from below the line of necessities to above the line of needs.  I call that Above the Line and Below the Line, ATL/BTL.  It comes in handy.  I like to move through discrimination quickly.  Is something Above or Below.  Am I whining–BTL or exploring–ATL.  Exploring is totally acceptable.  Snooping is not.  Flirting is totally fine if it is good-natured and received that way–ATL.  Coming on to your friend’s husband is not–BTL.  ‘Below the belt’ comes to mind  as an expression of what not to do.

In my EST days, we learned ATL and BTL as levels of consciousness.  I have secretly used that inside myself ever since.  It is too time-consuming to think of every level at all times out in the work-a-day world for me, but I like to be able to grasp where this action or person is taking me.  Is it above the line or below the line, and if it’s above the line, and I am interested, I will take the next step.  Below the Line is a Run Like Hell sign.  So perhaps that will help someone make positive decisions more easily, quicker.  Sometimes in a conversation, or when driving a car, time moves very quickly and I keep in mind ‘can I stay above the line and not cut that guy off’ (ATL) or am I going to go unconscious (BTL) and move into attack mode (BTL).  It happens instantaneously.  Boom the middle finger goes up, the snarky words come out and I’m lost.  I have revealed to the world what a monster I am, and I will spend the rest of the day, morning or hour repenting my actions.  Ultimately I hope that God will forgive me for falling below the line of consciousness.  BTL costs time and energy, ATL just makes life move smoothly and timelessly like a cloud.  One can almost disappear at that point.  You can choose to leave this plane of existence by letting go of that Ego that must fight back, take umbrage at every little slight, all meaningless drama to keep us tied to the earth–always fighting and creating conflict everywhere we go.  Perhaps we can be light as a feather, ruffle few feathers, and glide through this existence finding our way quietly, surreptitiously like an elf or burst of air.  “Ruffle no one and pay no price.”  This is the Wisdom.