The perennial/sacred wound is that unanswered unconscious pain within all of us that drives us, moves us each day, gives us opinions, reasons for action, objectives.  Perhaps we could call it our ego. I hesitate to call it ‘ego’, because  there is so much positive & negative thinking hanging on the word ego, that is a whole other conversation.  The perennial would is where psychological neuroses & psychoses come from. It is the pain that makes some people attack others or enroll in graduate school or talk ill of someone or enjoy another person, fight with a driver, kick the dog. Etc.  That is why I start with the Original Pain, both personal and cosmic. We are driven, whether in the service of humanity or harmful to the world.  The Perennial Wound is much like the Bible’s Original Sin, but I skip the apple incident.  Wound connotes the pain that we all are born into, in this world.  The world is a difficult place.   We much acknowledge pleasure and pain, sickness and health, old and young, happiness and sadness, and behind all of that the conscious individual asks, ‘why?’

The ‘why’ of creation, of reality, the questioning is the Cosmic Why of the Perennial Wound….

The questioning of our own personal life is the Personal Perennial Wound–Why am I stuck in traffic, why did I lose my phone, why did my father die, why wasn’t I born rich, why did I marry the wrong guy?   On, and on, and on, the small issues of one’s personal life.  Certainly there are happy moments, but isn’t that the dichotomy–good/bad, love/hate, happy/sad.  This is the human condition, the reality as we say…

What I intend to explore is that consciousness that recognizes our Individual Human Condition, gemeinschaft, and then in the big picture, the gesellschaft of the human condition.  When we as individuals, and as societies, can recognize that these are man-made conditions, our condition for living, which was deemed a better way than just swinging in trees all day, then perhaps we can learn to get along with each other–from a position of choice, not have-to, or must.  We all must be able to stand back and see the condition of reality from all points of view and assess the situation/situations from that point of view for an honest solution, an answer, to any question, nay to live from that position, a tabula rasa, if you will, a blank slate.  One can write cleanly on a blank slate.  Can we each day write cleanly on our blank slate, and on our projections onto others, news events, life conditions.  This will be the main objective of my quest for the answers to life’s interminable conditions–or its One Condition.  You choose.