Looking to another person to solve your problems is one of the characteristics of The Wound.  Is that not what Donald Trump has fed into.  I will make America great again.  I will get you good paying jobs.  I will get you better health care.  I will protect your borders.  On and on again with his ‘hooey’.  And what is that rhetoric–propaganda.  Straight from Hitler’s papers.  Donald studies Hitler’s speeches by the way.

Hitler was so good at mesmerizing a crowd that even Jews were drawn to him, until reality took hold.  Most of the Americans who voted Trump are from the disenfranchised class.  The people who wll be hurt the most.  They wish they could yell at their boss, or tell people to go to hell.  They love his bluster and his fake bravado.  They want daddy to protect them.  They identify with someone who ‘tells it like it is’.  Except he made up how it is.  Interesting how today everything he was accused of, he is blaming  on the people who gave him the election.  Trump is a not so adorable version of a 6 year-old.  It’s not me dad, it was my brother.  He broke the plate.  I was outside playing.  It is useless to argue about him, because he changes his rules with every sentence.  Obama played too much golf, Trump is 4 times as guilty or more everyday more.

The problem is the normal good-natured human being, cannot go low enough to stop him.  One watches the 2 year-old careen into danger in horror, but really there are no words or logic that will stop a 2 year-old.  He has not reached the logical stage of human development.  Even rudimentary cognitive development does not begin until 7, and matures around 12, and continues to mature–hopefully– for the rest of our lives.  Most adults do not move past the adolescent stage of booze, drugs, breasts, money, and fast-cars.  Look at the movies being made, the block-busters, all adolescent wet dreams.  Right up their with Trump and his girls.  Yelling, fighting, conniving, bullying his way to the top.  And we in America are letting it happen.  The horror is breath-taking.

Enough Americans must take more concern for their mental health, and benevolence, charity, integrity, good-will to all.  These are the values that will progress our country, not the sink hole that will destroy our country, the last beacon of hope and love, in a tragic world.

I must sign off before the tears begin.  Please Americans come to your senses.  Mature up and Beware the Bully!